Atlas of Human Anatomy
imaging of
, 151
lateral horn of
, 165–166, 319
lumbar part of
, 395
pia mater overlying
, 165
radiography of
, 156
, 303, 395
in situ
, 160
termination of
, 161
thoracic part of
, 133, 207, 304, 306–307
, 303
veins of
, 169
ventral horn of
, 165
white matter of
, 165
Spinal dura mater
, 160, 165–166, 170, 176
posterior intercostal artery branch to
, 168
Spinal ganglion, dorsal root of
, 165
Spinal membranes
, 165
Spinal meninges
, 304
Spinal nerve roots
, 300
posterior view of
, 165
vertebrae relation to
, 161
Spinal nerve trunk
, 254
Spinal nerves
, 26, 166, 177, 225, 304.
Cervical spinal nerves; Lumbar
spinal nerves; Sacral spinal nerves;
Thoracic spinal nerves
dorsal ramus of
, 165–166
lateral branch of
, 166
medial branch of
, 166
dorsal root of
, 165–166, 188, 304, 395
dorsal rootlets of
, 160, 165
groove for
, 20–21
origin of
, 166
cross section of
, 166
recurrent (meningeal) branches of
, 166
ventral ramus of
, 165–166
ventral root of
, 165–166, 188, 304, 395
ventral rootlets of
, 165
Spinal perivascular plexus
, 304
Spinal sensory ganglion
, 300, 303–304, 318,
Spinal vein
, 145, 169
, 145, 169
Spinalis cervicis muscle
, 172
Spinalis muscle
, 172
Spinalis thoracis muscle
, 172
Spino-umbilical line
, 275
Spinous process
, 237
, 20, 22, 152, 171–173, 409
, 155–156, 158–159, 176
transverse section of
, 328
, 154, 156, 171–172, 174, 194
Spiral ganglion of Corti
, 98
Spiral lamina
hamulus of
, 97
, 97–98
Spiral ligament
, 98
Spiral organ of Corti
, 94, 98
Splanchnic nerves
, 163, 192, 206, 227–228, 236, 254,
262, 297–304, 306–307, 317, 319,
387–388, 392–394
, 191, 213, 236
, 191, 236
, 163, 192, 206, 262, 297, 299–304,
317–319, 387–388, 392–394
, 163, 192, 206, 254, 262, 297–304,
317–319, 387–388, 392–394
, 163, 297, 302–303, 317–319,
387–388, 390, 392–395
, 164, 302–303, 317–318, 388, 390, 392,
394–395, 484, 486
, 163, 303, 317, 388, 486
, 225, 319
, 193–194, 267, 269, 278, 281–282, 320
anterior extremity of
, 282
arteries of
, 283–284
axial CT images of
, 322–323
hilum of
, 282
inferior border of
, 282
posterior extremity of
, 282
superior border of
, 282
transverse section of
, 324–326
veins of
, 289
Splenic artery
, 259, 268, 271, 281–284,
286–287, 297–300, 306–307, 321
arteriogram of
, 285
axial CT images of
, 322
splenic branches of
, 283
transverse section of
, 325
Splenic lymph nodes
, 293–294
Splenic plexus
, 297–299
Splenic red pulp
, 282
Splenic trabeculae
, 282
Splenic vein
, 234, 267–268, 282, 287,
289–292, 320–321
axial CT images of
, 322–323
transverse section of
, 325–326
Splenic white pulp
, 282
Splenium, of corpus callosum
, 107–108,
111, 113, 116, 144–147
imaging of
, 151
Splenius capitis muscle
, 29, 171–172, 175,
Splenius cervicis muscle
, 171–172, 175,
Splenorenal (lienorenal) ligament
, 266,
268, 282, 308
Spongy urethra
, 363
bulbous portion of
, 348
Squamous suture
, 14
Stapedius muscle
, 55, 96, 151
innervation of
, 119, 124
pyramidal eminence and tendon of
, 95
, 95–96
base of, in oval window
, 94
footplate of
, 95
limbs of
, 94
Stellate ganglion
, 131, 206, 223–224
Stellate veins
, 311
Stensen, parotid duct of
, 24, 48–49, 72
opening of
, 56
Sternal head
, 27, 29
of sternocleidomastoid muscle
, 1
Sternalis muscle (inconstant)
, 185
Sternoclavicular joint
, 193, 238, 404
Sternocleidomastoid lymph nodes
, 74
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
, 26–27, 29,
31–32, 34, 46–47, 75, 128, 130, 151, 171,
175, 185, 195, 404, 409–410, 415
accessory nerve to
, 128
clavicular head of
, 1, 178
innervation of
, 119
medial margin of
, 76
sternal head of
, 1, 178
Sternocostal articulations
anterior view of
, 184
left anterolateral view of
, 184
right posterolateral view of
, 184
Sternocostal joint
, 404
Sternocostal triangle
, 187
Sternohyoid muscle
, 26–29, 31, 58, 129,
151, 185, 187, 195, 404
communication with cervical plexus
, 33
fascia of
, 185
nerves to
, 71
Sternothyroid muscle
, 26–29, 31, 82,
129–130, 151, 185, 187, 195
communication with cervical plexus
, 33
fascia of
, 185
nerves to
, 71
, 25, 177, 188, 191, 213, 237, 241,
angle of
, 183
body of
, 178, 183, 185, 187, 189, 242–243
jugular notch of
, 183
manubrium of
, 26–27, 29, 64, 183–184, 187,
195, 238–239
xiphoid process of
, 178, 183, 185
, 193, 214, 229, 232–233, 263,
266–267, 277–278, 280–282, 321
air in
, 210
arteries of
, 283
autonomic nerves of
, 298–300
axial CT images of
, 322
body of
, 269
axial CT images of
, 322
cardiac part of
, 230, 232, 269–270
fundus of
, 230, 232, 269–270
transverse section of
, 324
gastric zone of
, 270
innervation of
, 163–164
lymph vessels and nodes of
, 293
mucosa of
, 270
pyloric part of
, 269, 298
radiography of
, 156
in situ
, 269
transverse section of
, 325
vagal branches to
, 236
veins of
, 289
Straight arteries
, 287–288
branch of
, 305
Straight gyrus
, 108
Straight sinus
, 99, 104–105, 110
imaging of
, 150
in tentorium cerebelli
, 107
Straight veins
, 290
Strap muscles, innervation of
, 119
Stretch receptors
, 207
Stria medullaris
, 112, 116
of thalamus
, 107
Stria terminalis
, 109, 112–113
Striate artery, distal medial
, 138
, 111
Styloglossus muscle
, 42, 47, 51, 59, 65, 70,
129, 151
Stylohyoid ligament
, 15, 59, 65, 68, 70
Stylohyoid muscle
, 27–29, 34, 42, 46–47,
50–51, 58–59, 67, 70, 124
innervation of
, 119
nerve to
, 24
Styloid process
, 6, 10, 14–16, 18, 29–30, 34,
42, 58–59, 66–67, 70, 96
of radius
, 425, 439
radiographs of
, 444
of ulna
, 425, 439
radiographs of
, 444
Stylomandibular ligament
, 15, 18
, 18
Stylomastoid artery
, 96
posterior tympanic branch of
, 96
stapedial branch of
, 96
Stylomastoid foramen
, 10, 12, 100, 124,
facial nerve from
, 24
Stylopharyngeus muscle
, 47, 59, 65, 67–70,
126–127, 151
Subacromial bursa
, 408, 417
Subacromial space
, 467
Subaponeurotic space, dorsal
, 450
Subarachnoid space
, 89, 101, 103, 110
imaging of
, 151
Subcallosal (parolfactory) area
, 107
Subcallosal gyrus
, 107
Subcapsular lymphatic plexus
, 316
Spinal cord
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